Sunday, November 18, 2018

Holiday Cookie Exchange


I know we published December 2 ... But "someone" signed the contract for SATURDAY, December 1 (mea culpa!) ...  Please let us know if you can make it, and accept most sincere apologies for the date SNAFU!

COOKIE CRUMBS FOR NEWBIES: You make (or fake) 2 dozen yummy holiday treats. Bring them with you, along with an extra take-home tray, box or bag. We set up a scrumptious treat buffet, and you pick and choose an assortment of goodies made by fellow alumnae to take home.

To Rsvp pay by Credit Card, Member Planet link:

To Rsvp and pay by check or cash:

Monday, November 5, 2018

Career Night - November 19

Collegians and young alumnae have asked us to present a Career Night. Can you help us?

The format is 3 speakers on "What I wish I'd known in college" and then we break out by career to tables/area to meet and speak with Alumnae in areas of interest. We need teachers, medical professionals, lawyers, marketing gurus, NGO/non-profit whizbangs and any other specialty you manage!  We will also have a general cover/letter resume review station.

A few quick responses to the Survey will help us organize this night! Please share this with other alumnae. We need all the help we can get!

Sign up to help us here!  LINK: