Saturday, September 19, 2009

A Wine-Walking We'll Go; A Wine-Walking We'll Go....Hi Ho the Vinoooooo...A Wine-Walking We'll Go!

We're off to the Wine Walk in just a few hours and I'm thrilled! Its warm outside, a bit blustery, and overcast...what a lovely time for some Vino and great company!

So, come one-come all!! Bring your friends and family and significant (or not-so-significant others) and let's drink to this lovely onset of Fall!

Monday, August 10, 2009


17th--"There Once Was A Girl Named Hannah..." Book Club -->California Avenue Deli at 6pm
20th--Skit & Sponsorship Night with the collegiates -->Eta Iota House at 5pm
22nd--Wet 'N' Wild-Hannahs Float the River -->Meet at Siena at 11am
24th--Mini Initiation-->Eta Iota chapter House at 6pm

2-7th--Eta Iota Fall Recruitment
19th--Wine Walk
28th--Collumnae Career Building workshops

Family BBQ & Pool Party

Chante Hargrove & Roseanna Peek

Jenna McQuattie, Mary Ann Michels, Peggy Brown, Lynn Heydon

Vanessa & Baby Mackenzie

Jenny Elston

The Northern Nevada Delta Gamma Alumnae Chapter hosted its annual Family BBQ & Pool Party and we had more in attendance than ever before!! With 14 people there, we enjoyed great food, a lovely time in the pool, and some great sun!

Vanessa brought Mackenzie (our newest DG) and Jenna came with her 1-week-overdue belly...and our soon-to-be anchorman inside!

We can't wait for our next event and hope to keep up the trend of over 10 women!

Thanks to everyone who joined us:
Ciara Villalobos
Julie Toth
Lynn Heydon
Peggy Brown
Jenna McQuattie
Jenny Elston
Jan Moor
Mary Ann Michels
Ashley Brune
Vaungaylyn de Witt
Roseanna Peek
Chante Hargrove
Vanessa Nelson
Mackenzie Nelson
Chris Strader
and our incredible hostess, Shenea Stephenson!!!