We've been MIA for the past 6-months--call it a blogging-hiatus if you will, but we're back in action!!
Lots of things going on and we're excited for the new year!
Cupcake Social--fundraiser for the New House Project. Over $400.00 raised!
Our alumnae continue to chaperone dances and give back to our collegiate chapter!
The Southern and Northern Nevada ladies came together for a tailgater at the annual UNR/UNLV game!
Our alumnae presented real-life skills to our collegiate chapter as part of their education curriculum.
Initiation for our collegiate chapter was held at alumna, Vaungaylyn de Witt's home. We welcomed 36 women--the largest class yet!
Our annual Holiday luncheon at the Nevada Museum of Art was a hit!
Founder's Day 2010 had record turnout and raised $815.00 for Service for Sight!!!!!!!!!Our SOAK Pedicure Day was a relaxing hit!
We hope you can join us for an upcoming event--next on the list is Sorority House Tours on Tuesday, Aprill 13th from 6pm-8pm
Tours are $5.00 and money is donated to the houses.
Tours start at the Kappa Alpha Theta house on Sierra Street.